Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006

What a delightful day it was! I spent the evening of the 24th pre-cooking and preparing as much of our Christmas feast as possible. You'd be amazed how much you can get done in advance and how a simple thing like chopping onions ahead of time is a great time saver. On the 25th, I mostly had to put things into the oven and allow for baking time. That allowed me to enjoy the day with my family more.

Being teenagers having surpassed the Santa stage, my kids were in no big hurry to open their gifts. In fact, Amanda had threatened Zach with bodily harm if he dare try to wake her before 9am. Jerry and I were the only two up early and it was quite enjoyable. Jerry cooked our Christmas ham on the grill so he was in and out working on that. The house was filled with delightful scents of Monkey Bread in the oven and a roasting turkey. Though it wasn't terribly cold outside, having unseasonably warm weather all December, the warmth from our kitchen seemed to not only fill the house but our hearts and souls as well. I delighted in knowing my kids were all snug in their beds and though I was certain visions of sugar plums didn't dance in their heads, I knew the Christmas spirit would soon stir their sleepy heads.

Zach was the first to wake up. The wrapped presents under the tree beckoned him but he knew we couldn't start opening presents until everyone was up and he knew all too well not to wake the girls from their Christmas slumber. He tried to be patient. Monica was the second to wake up and I loved the sight of her groggy sleepy self walking into the kitchen and exclaiming, "Is that Monkey Bread?!!" Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling well suffering from a sore throat so I gave her a heap of pills; vitamin C, Zinc and Tylenol to help her feel better. We had to wait yet another 1/2 hour or so before the oldest child, Amanda, stumbled downstairs, only after me yelling up to her room, "Are you going to sleep Christmas away?"

The children are always torn between opening gifts first or going through their stockings. This year all three opted for the stockings first and in the wink of an eye, the stockings were an empty limp sock shape with all it's loot spilled onto the floor. Now for the big stuff!

It was all a blur to me -- the gift opening. I wanted to watch each child's expression as they opened each gift but with three going on at the same time, as my head went back and forth to each kid watching for their excited expressions, I felt like I was watching a rapid tennis match more than gift opening. Paper was being torn the thrown into the air, boxes were anxiously flipped open, there were Ahs and Ohs and excitement filled the air.

My heart was so full it felt like it would burst. It wasn't the materialistic gain that was such joy but watching my children enjoy themselves. What kept coming to mind was Luke 11:13 "If you then know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" God understands the heart of a parent as he is one! The joys we know as we give to our children are but such a minor insignificant comparison to what our heavenly Father wants to give to us. Yes, my heart was full.

Later, as we sat down to our Christmas feast, my eyes once again took in all the holiday treasures to behold. When I made out my menu it didn't seem like a lot of food but here before me our table was so full we had to put in the leaf to the table and add a second small table for some dishes. After every one had filled their plate, each serving dish barely looked like a corner had been taken. I sat amazed at the amount of food wondering how 5 people couldn't even put a dent into each dish! So much food! At this moment my heart rose to a new level of thankfulness. We had so much bounty, I was almost ashamed. Good gifts; food, shelter and family surrounded me. I couldn't thank God enough for all that was before me; a warm home, my husband, my children, food, laughter and more. Somehow this small little celebration, just the five of us, turned into one of the biggest Christmases I have ever had. There wasn't much to busy myself with and so my attentions were on that of my family. I savored each moment as much as I savored each bite of my Christmas dinner morsels.

To end the evening, we went to the movies and appropriate for the theme of my heart this day, we saw "The Pursuit of Happyness". This very touching and inspiring story line was about a man and his young son that became homeless and the journey this courageous and determined Father took to better their lives. Just this day I was so thankful for my home and my food and my family.

Christmas 2006 has not yet ended for us as this weekend we will travel to Michigan to celebrate with the Dodge family. It won't be so quiet or quaint as yesterday but it will still be filled with a lot of love and excitement and joy.

I'm blessed beyond measure.