Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy 53rd Birthday To Me!

That's right, today I turned 53 and I know I don't look a day over 44. I'm usually not one to get excited about birthdays and it really has nothing at all to do with my age or wanting to conceal my age. I'm an open book when it comes to the fact that I was born in 1963 and don't bother doing the math, that does indeed make me 53 today. Ask Sophie, my 4 year old niece. I talked to her on the phone today and she said, "You look really good for 53." She's a smart girl that Sophie is.

But this is not ALL ABOUT MELISSA DAY -- Oh wait, yes it is.

My birthday celebration actually began on April 7th when Amanda, our oldest, was home from school for the Easter weekend. Wanting to have the entire family together for my gift presentation, they decided to give me my birthday gift early. Previously I said I don't get excited about birthdays but I LOVE presents and surprises! My family pulled off a very nice surprise. They gave me a nano i-pod in my favorite spring green color. The back was simply engraved, "We love you!". This was no simple task --acquiring this i-pod. First, Jerry had to transfer funds into Amanda's bank account so I would not see the charge made to the apple store on our account. Sneaky those two, aren't they? The package was shipped to Amanda at school. I love when people connive behind my back --when it culminates in a present for me! Conniving to let's say err -- "do me in" would be less thrilling. In addition to the i-pod, Amanda made me two CD mixes. One was songs she knew I liked such as "I Think I Love You" by David Cassidy. Coincidentally, it is David's birthday today too (This is the second blog I've mentioned David -- kind-a creepy scary, huh?). The second was a Christian mix. Immediately after giving me the i-pod, Amanda went to work on downloading all my music to i-tunes and synching my i-pod. She actually spent a lot of time getting it all set up for me.

On my actual birthday I wasn’t expecting any fanfare. Having dropped a pretty penny on the i-pod, I pretty much figured Jerry and the kids would feel they were “off the hook” for any further celebrations. I expected nothing at work – having not even entertained the idea of any birthday celebration at work. I mean – there was that office wide email I sent the day before, “SUBJECT: Melissa’s Birthday”, where I listed my favorite desserts and gifts ideas but I couldn’t be sure it was sent in time for the staff to pool their money together and get the shopping done. Okay no, I didn’t send an office-wide email and I didn’t expect a birthday celebration either.

Earlier in the day Andy, one of our managers, said he had an HR issue to discuss with me. He asked a lot of questions about when I’d be available and what time I was going to lunch. I should have suspected something right then and there because normally Andy just barges down to my desk demanding things. Okay well no, Andy never barges down to my desk and he is anything but demanding. That was just an attempt in inject something exciting into this otherwise boring birthday blog [insert yawn -- but A+ on my use of alliteration].

Meanwhile, back in Gotham City . . . .

Staying focused is difficult when you’re 53.

I go into Andy’s office to discuss a rather simple HR matter in which Andy’s propensity for deceit, drags the matter out. All the while the staff, complete with ice cream cake, gathers in the conference room. Coincidentally, last year they pulled off the same thing and yes, it was Andy who called me into his office to discuss some made-up matter. They got me twice yes but next year I’ll be onto them. As we’re leaving the conference room Andy did mention he had another matter to discuss with me but it could wait until April 12, 2008. I wonder what that’s all about.

Later when I got home as I waked into the house the smell of cake filled the air. I went into the kitchen to find Monica cleaning up the last of the baking dishes and an array of beautifully decorated cupcakes on the counter. Zach was beside himself with excitement, urging me to check my email. I logged onto my AOL account where I found an e-card Zach sent me. The sentiment was precious, “Hi mom took me a hour to figure this out but its all worth it love you bye and all that jazz”. I could just see Zach frustrated as he attempted technology unfamiliar to him, sending an e-card. He was determined to get it and that was the sentiment I appreciated the most however; I had to chuckle at “and all that jazz” as if to say in his 15 year old boyish mind, “and all that mushy stuff Moms like”.

I’ve never read the book The Five Love Languages but from what I know about it, I think my love language is receiving gifts. I do love getting gifts but before you brand me materialistic and delete my blog from your list of favorites (my blog is on your list of favorites, right???), let me explain. I love the thought behind gifts. I love the weeks of planning it took Jerry and Amanda to pull off the purchase of the i-pod. I love the engraving on the back of the i-pod. I love the CD mixes Amanda made for me. I love Monica taking time to not only bake cupcakes but the time she spent to creatively decorate each one. I love how Zach stayed determined to learn a new e-technology skill and his 15 year old boyish expression of love. Seemingly small, those things are huge expressions of love to me. You see, it’s not the i-pod that’s so meaningful to me but what it represents.

As I stated earlier, I don’t get all excited about birthdays but I do think that this annual event in each of our lives should cause us to pause and reflect on the previous year. I am a year older, yes but am I a year better too? I want to better.
In recent months, God has given me a thirst for his Word, a hunger that cannot be satisfied. It makes me wonder what He’s up to. I want to be ready. I want to be willing. In looking ahead to my 54th year, I want more and more to become the woman God has purposed me to be. Growing into that person will require some things in my life to be pulled into the light. I sense this coming. Don’t you hate it when you are fast asleep in a dark room and someone comes in and floods the room with bright lights? It startles you and you have no idea what’s going on. The brightness stings at first and then there’s a period of adjustment before you can see clearly. Sometimes God will find something in us he demands be brought into the light. It might sting at first and take a while to adjust but eventually, we will clearly see His will and His way. I pray I can be obedient and ready.

Thank you to everyone that participated in my birthday celebration. I look forward to the upcoming year. "I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away.", may it be my sincere lifesong.

Post Comment: In a vain attempt to make people think she looks very young for her age, the writer claimed this as her 53rd birthday when in fact, she’s only a mere 44. She now sees the error of her lying ways.
Post Comment 2: Andy does not have a propensity for deceit.
Post Comment 3: Sophie is still a very smart girl.
Post Comment 4: This got posted a day after my birthday.

Happy Birthday, David! I Think I Love You!


Unknown said...

So this is [your birthday]
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is [your birthday]
I hope you have fun...

But more important than that, I hope you grow closer to your Savior this next year.

Happy Birthday!
I'm glad I could be a part of the happiness, even if it did involve trickery.