Saturday, April 05, 2008

Random Ramblings

Monica went to Florida with Winterguard and she got her ear (cartilage) pierced and I don't have much to say about that -- I don't have a long post about elephants or eagles because I learned that hard lesson when Amanda spread her 18 year old wings and besides, when Monica sent me the pic of her ear I sighed and thought, "Whew, it's not a tattoo."

Zach had an awesome basketball season and I really should give him props with an entire posting just for him but -- maybe I'll work on that later. He's now playing AAU basketball and today is his first tournament. I think the extra playing experience will be good for him for his Varsity year next year.

Monica got accepted to Kent State so April 14th we're headed up there to register her for fall classes and yes -- I guess that deserves a whole posting of itself too but well -- I'm losing my blogging touch, aren't I? I don't like to think of Monica being old enough for college so I just pretend it's not happening. When the reality of it all hits, the day I'm driving away from Kent having dropped her off, I'll probably have a long story to write about that. It's funny -- when I showed Jerry the picture of Monica's pierced ear he paused and said, "I don't think we should let her go all the way to Kent State."

My grandmother is going to be 90 in October and that has nothing to do with anything and October is pretty far away so yeah -- the title of this post is "Random Ramblings" and that was pretty random, wasn't it? But I think about her all of the time.

I started ride-sharing with a lady that lives in my area and works out by me too. I found her through a website that connects would-be commuters. Now I can't say I'm loving it -- because it does limit my freedom and take more time -- but it's saving money and miles on my van and I feel like I'm being a little more responsible toward the environment so -- I'm sticking with it, I guess. Notice the lack of enthusiasm? RSL (Ride Share Lady) is very nice and we have great conversations. She's a Christian so we have a lot of common ground. I love how God puts people in my life like that. I've been doing all of the driving but next week she's going to drive.

So that all the random ramblings I have for now. I was kind of just killing time while I waited for a load of clothes to dry so . . . I think they're ready now.