Thursday, July 26, 2012

Zach Update

Surgery went well though it was a long day.  When we arrived to the surgical unit we were told they were running about 2 hours behind.  I mostly felt sorry for Zach since he wasn't able to eat anything.  I had packed a bag fit for a weekend away for a family of 5!  I had snacks, books, my Bible, journal, gum, blanket, phone charger (so I could run down the battery playing Angry Birds). . . . .

Zach is fine and you can't even tell he had surgery.  His eye just looks like he has pink eye or allergies or the like.  He was initially in a lot of pain but Percocet to the rescue, he's feeling better now.  He's mostly been sleeping since we got home last night.

He's experiencing double vision in his eye which the doctor said was normal and should subside within 24 hours.  Pre-surgery his vision was 20/20 and post surgery its now 20/25 and that may or may not go back to 20/20 but like the doctor said, a lot of people's vision is worse than that and they never even had surgery.

I'm home from work today as they wanted Zach under adult supervision for 24 hours post surgery.  I'm not gonna lie --I"m not hating this, mothering my boy again; cooking, administering meds, comforting, feeling needed . . . Tonight I'm making a meal fit for a Prince.

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and concern.


Sheryl F said...

So glad he's doing well! Every boy needs his Mama.