Monday, November 30, 2009

Mom's Letter

This letter was written by my Mother to my grandparents (Dad's side). She was just 2 months post surgery for a brain tumor, which they were not able to fully remove and unknowingly, just 7 months from her earthly death. The tumor was located in the portion of the brain which controls speech so her words were not always exactly right and often sounded juvenile but her messages ever clear. Her faith ever strong.

I am writing it exactly how she wrote. I realize its meaningless to anyone that did not know her but faith and eternal hope in God's Word, truth and promises shines through. I hope you find that message here and in your own life.

(Bob was her husband)


Dear Meme & Grandpa:

Bob and I arrived Monday 9/12/88 at Arlington Hts Ill, Bob's daughters Liz house. I was feeling fine Till Friday. 9/16 I got sick. Bob called the hospital and they sent an ambulance, I got to the hosp. right away. I felted so bad, hosp. kept me Till Mon. 9/149. Val, took me to her place in Michigan. I feel O.K. the doctor in Ill. told Val how many medicine I have to take, and I might get sick again. So far I have bee feeling good.

Melissa is coming this weekend, 9/30 after I see her I pray to see her baby but I keep praying to wait. I don't mind to go to heaven, I know I will go there.

Bob, is stating at his daughter's house in Ill. He is helping her because she got her baby the same day I got sick 9/16. I don't Mind him stating there . Val & Sam is taking GOOD care of me. And for Bob to see me its only 5 hours drive to Val's house.

Val's house is so beautiful and BIG. I hope some day you will see her house.

Thank you for the food you gave us, its so good to open the jars.

I'm so busy every day trying to write to everyone. When I die I told Val I don't want flowers on my funeral, I will be in heaven and can't see them. I rather she GET money from people and send to my church. They need a need church so bad. The money give to my church is better than flowers. Sorry I can't write right my Brain is lower.

I was so happy to see you people.

