Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tales from a Terrific Terrier 2

From Franklin --

There she goes! Mommy did it again! She's telling stories about me that aren't exactly true. You can read her story below but if you want to know the real story, please read on.

Now first of all, Mommy takes me on a ride and tells me I'm going to the Groomer. I have no idea what a Groomer is but Mommy makes all of our adventures sound so fun. I just couldn't wait.

After our car ride we get out and OH MAN --I can smell things I have never ever smelled before. New scents everywhere and it wasn't me --it was my nose that was trying to sniff here, there, here, there, here, there. I totally wasn't pulling on my leash --I was merely following my nose. I looked up and saw THE BIGGEST doggie I have ever seen in my life! Mommy said something about a horse but gracious, I just wanted to go over to him and say hi. You know, introduce myself and ask him how he got so big. Do you think I'll be that big one day?

Mommy pulls on my leash and makes me go inside and these two very nice ladies want to play with me and I know they do because they kneeled down and said, "Hi Franklin!" Well hello, two nice ladies! My Mommy is so fun taking me to places for adventures and meeting new friends. I was so excited about my new friends, the two nice ladies, that I didn't even notice my Mommy left.

Before I know it, the two nice ladies put me on a table and get me wet! What is going on? Listen, I've told Mommy before I don't like baths. I just don't. See, I'm cute and I realize, its kind of what I got going on for me --cuteness can get me out of A LOT of trouble. I'm fluffy, which of course is all part of me being cute. When I'm wet I look like a rat. I can't have that! I need my cuteness! I need my fluff! I need my fur! What I thought was going to be a fun play-date ended up being a bath. Nice trick, Mommy. I'm not amused.

After the nice ladies --er, I mean --mean ladies got me all wet, they put me under a big blower. Hate it. Need I say more?

I do not chase the brush. Whatever. I hate that I am so misunderstood. I'm trying to help by moving the brush along with my mouth and suddenly I'm a bad puppy. Bite? Are you serious? I'm a cute fluffy Yorkie --I ain't got no bad bones in me body. Aye, lad, why am I talking like an Irish Setter? The point is, I wasn't biting --I was merely showing the ladies the spots they missed while they were brushing me.

And Mommy? I'm not even sure what to say about her. She abandoned me and left me with two very mean ladies. Like, I had no idea if Mommy was coming back. I had no idea if Mommy still loved me. This was our first separation and I was a little anxious about it. Mommy likes to blast about what a bad puppy she thinks me to be --hmp! I wonder what Puppy Social Services would think about her abandoning me for hours.

Lastly I would like to point out that I was trying to warn my fellow canines when they came into this horrible place of torture by water. Mommy was talking to the two ladies and when I saw more doggies come in I was trying to get closer to them so I could whisper, "Try to get away if you can. This place is a place of water torture and those two ladies are only nice while your Mommy is looking." It was the least I could do, save those poor doggies from the water torture I endured.

I did enjoy our ride back home because I was so glad to be back with Mommy. I love our adventures together but really, I'm a little tired of being so grossly misunderstood.

I love you Mommy but please don't take me back to that place of water torture.

The Terrific Terrier